2024 highlights include a successful first season of Nature Play Pop-ups, a unique new piece of public art, a tremendous boost to our endowment fund and a year of continued impact in bringing people together for the love of nature education and stewardship.
Read MoreIn the past year, our efforts have resulted in significant support of nature-based programs, capital enhancements at the Nature Centre, and awareness of our role in the community. Read on to learn more about the successes and achievements of 2023.
Read MoreThank you to our community of supporters! We appreciate your involvement and encouragement. Together we are helping to connect people with the great outdoors! We provide opportunities for interactive educational experiences and memorable moments in nature…
Read MoreThe results are in! We are happy to report that this year's Shaw Birdies for Kids presented by AltaLink was a success!! Thank you to everyone that donated and supported the fundraiser. In total our donors contributed $17,510. This amount was then matched 50% by the Calgary Shaw Charity Classic Foundation, adding $8,755, for a total of $26,265!!
Read MoreWe are proud to announce a significant donation received from the Lethbridge Garden Project Society in support of the Nature Centre’s Prairie Living Roof.
Read MoreIn December 2022 we were thrilled to report that the first ‘Welcome to Canada’ program was a success. We are happy to provide an update that the program continues and has expanded in scope to include more activities and program partners. The City of Lethbridge wrote a great article to capture the highlights from the second program - read on to learn more.
Read MoreIn the past year, our efforts have resulted in significant support of nature-based programs, capital enhancements at the Nature Centre, and awareness of our role in the community. Read on to learn more about the successes and achievements of 2022.
Read MoreOn December 31, 2022 we celebrate 10 years since our organization was incorporated as a society! We also celebrate 5 years as a registered charity!! To celebrate our first 10 year milestone we ask you to consider making a tax-deductible donation towards our Endowment Fund.
Read MoreWe are proud to work with Rotary Club of Lethbridge East and Helen Schuler Nature Centre to present the work of the next generation of artists. This annual showcase of creative expressions from youth aged 18 and under will be on display in the Community Art Gallery at the Nature Centre again in fall 2023. Over the past six years we have been fortunate to showcase 227 up-and-coming youth artists!
Read MoreWe are proud to announce two amazing contributions towards nature play in Lethbridge! Recently we received a $5,000 grant from the Community Foundation of Lethbridge and Southwestern Alberta. We also received a $500 grant from The Georgina Foundation. Both grants will support our Nature Play Space Kiosk project!
Read MoreChris Fisher, author of “Birds of Alberta”, delighted an audience with his tribute to birds on a chilly December 2nd afternoon at the Nature Centre. The presentation was part of the Travel Adventures series. It was a reflection on a life well-traveled, influenced by birds and their diverse beauty. It reminded us that birds offer a vital, extra sense of wonder and meaning for our lives.
Read MoreWe are proud to report that our Welcome to Canada pilot program was a success! This was the first of several planned programs that will take place over the next year. This will support new Canadians connect with Lethbridge's amazing natural spaces. We seek to foster a sense of belonging, as well as comfort and familiarity in spending time outside. Thirty-eight new Canadians took part in the first program.
Read MoreOn Sunday October 30 we hosted the Gallery Closing event for this year’s Inspired by Nature: Youth Art Exhibition. Participating artists were invited to the Nature Centre to be recognized for their artwork that was on display at the Nature Centre from September 20 - October 30, 2022. The event provided an opportunity to meet and thank the artists in person.
Read MoreOn Friday October 28 we hosted the second Travel Adventures in this year's series. Local photographer John Krampl delighted a full house showcasing 'Wildlife Lethbridge'. The presentation offered a glimpse at the natural beauty found in Lethbridge’s parks year-round. It was clear that Lethbridge’s river valley is a destination for wildlife photographers.
Read MoreA signature project led by our Society was the Co-op Community Outdoor Classroom at the Helen Schuler Nature Centre. We started fundraising for the project in 2018 and construction was competed by year-end 2020. After more than a year we have experienced some great moments in the space that we wanted to share with our amazing community of supporters.
Read MoreThe Friends of Helen Schuler Nature Centre Society is active year-round in terms of grant writing, advocacy, and building our Society's capacity. In the past year, our efforts through 2021 have resulted in significant long-term support of the Nature Centre through a newly established Endowment Fund, an increase in awareness of our mission and vision in the community, as well as the addition of Davey the Snake to the team at the Nature Centre.
Read MoreWith the support of our amazing Friends we have established an Endowment Fund with the Community Foundation of Lethbridge and Southwestern Alberta! Endowment Fund donations are not linked to a specific initiative or program. These contributions are invested to generate a stable source of revenue. In doing so, they help us build a sustainable future by providing long-term support of nature-based interpretive programming in Lethbridge.
Read MoreThanks to the support of our Friends members, after a three year search, in August 2020 the Friends of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre Society purchased and began training a gopher snake for the Nature Centre. After more than one year of handling and training, we are confident the new snake is ready to take over for Sophie, the former snake-in-chief at the Centre. The new snake has been named ‘Davey’…
Read MoreWe are proud to work with Rotary Club of Lethbridge East and Helen Schuler Nature Centre to present the work of the next generation of artists. This annual showcase of creative expressions from youth aged 18 and under will be on display in the Community Art Gallery at the Nature Centre again in fall 2022. Over the past five years we have been fortunate to showcase 177 up-and-coming youth artists!
Read MoreA generous $5,000 grant from a Donor Advised Fund at the Community Foundation of Lethbridge and Southwestern Alberta will support fieldtrip experiences for youth participating in the Natural Leaders Project (NLP). Thank you to the generous donor who connected to our cause! Positive outdoor experiences, learning from the land is the best way to nurture the next generation of residents who feel a strong sense of connection to nature and our local environment.
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