River Valley Conservation Projects
Cool-ee Cleaners at Pavan Park in 2019
Coulee Cleanup, Shoreline Cleanup, Invasive Weed Pulls
Since 2012 the Friends of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre Society have encouraged participation in annual conservation projects like Coulee Clean-Up, Shoreline Clean-Up, and Invasive Weed Pulls in the Lethbridge River Valley.
We have adopted a natural area to steward near Popson Park and Cottonwood Park in West Lethbridge.
Since 2017 we provide funding support for supplies, volunteer appreciation, and coordination of the conservation projects. We thank our conservation partner - Alberta Eco-Trust Foundation for their ongoing support of conservation in Lethbridge.
As a result of Lethbridge’s river valley conservation projects over 4,000 bags of garbage have since been removed - helping to take action for the betterment of people, animals, and the Oldman Watershed!