Ask a Naturalist
Our live Q&A provides an interactive presentation that you can enjoy from anywhere in the world!
The online format provides an opportunity for a media-rich presentation experience!
Ask a Naturalist Live Q&A presentations were offered to the community in partnership with the Helen Schuler Nature Centre as our COVID-19 pandemic response. They were generally hosted on Facebook Live on Wednesday evenings during the fall/winter season.
These presentations are offered to increase nature connection and appreciation - encouraging a community of naturalists to share information about our world to inspire others into action.
Since we started the Ask a Naturalist programs in response to the COVID-19 pandemic we have showcased several naturalists, including: Ken Moore, Rick Andrews, Ken Orich, Dorothy Graham, and many others! You can view the archive of Ask a Naturalist Live Q&A events we have hosted on the Helen Schuler Nature Centre Facebook Video Page.
We are always seeking interested presenters for our Ask a Naturalist series. Please contact us if you would like to participate.