Welcome to Canada pilot program a success
Nature Centre interpreter leads a winter walk in the river valley with new Canadians
We are proud to report that our Welcome to Canada pilot program was a success! Thanks to our funding support, the Helen Schuler Nature Centre hosted Lethbridge Family Services (LFS) Immigration Services Department on Monday November 14. This was the first of several planned programs that will take place over the next year.
We want to support new Canadians connect with Lethbridge's amazing natural spaces. Our intention is to identify and reduce barriers facing newcomers spending time outside. We seek to foster a sense of belonging, as well as comfort and familiarity in spending time outside.
Thirty-eight new Canadians took part in the first program. Most participants have been in Canada for less than one month! They are from countries like Malawi, Eritrea, Syria, and Rwanda. Participants were keen to learn about their new home.
During the three hour visit to the Nature Centre participants completed several activities:
How to dress for winter
This activity introduced participants to a variety of winter wear. It challenged participants to choose the right winter clothing. The importance of layers was a key-takeaway!
Lethbridge wildlife walk
This activity introduced the common animals found in the river valley. It helped to dispel myths and fears. It provided a great introduction to the Nature Reserve Park's self-guided trails.
Campfire fun
This activity showcased outdoor recreation opportunities in winter. It helped to showcase free opportunities that are available in the river valley. The group enjoyed roasting marshmallows (described by participants as an iconic “Canadian'“ experience).
Indoor activities
These activities provided a chance to warm up and explore the Nature Centre facility. Participants enjoyed a pizza lunch followed by hot chocolate. Nature Centre staff and volunteers facilitated games, puzzles, and exhibit exploration.
Participants were thrilled to try binoculars and roast marshmallows
Nature Centre staff reported that the program was a lot of fun and a great learning experience for them. They appreciated the hard-work of LFS translators - who were quick to translate content into three different languages!
We are proud to support programming that welcomes new Canadians. We are confident that introducing newcomers to their new ecosystem will have long-term benefits.
Do you want to support programming that makes Lethbridge a more welcoming and inclusive community? Get involved as a donor!