Get Involved - River Valley Engagement

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Consisting of over 1,700 hectares, Lethbridge’s river valley is the defining natural feature of the city. Mostly undeveloped, the river valley is the home to a diverse population of plants and animals and serves as a corridor for many more. This crown jewel of Lethbridge serves area residents and visitors from a passive and active perspective. There are innumerable view points from which to take in the beautiful vistas; through hiking, running, walking, photography, and many other pursuits the valley fills the needs of many.

Along with city residents, the City is a steward of the river valley. While plans have been developed (most recently the River Valley Parks Master Plan 2017) that present visions for the river valley and identify management strategies and potential projects, City Council decided in mid-2020 to engage again with stakeholders and residents.

Throughout October Lethbridge residents will be asked to provide their thoughts about recreation and preservation in the river valley. Households will be mailed a postcard early in the month that directs them to a survey on the City’s Get Involved Lethbridge webpage. The postcard provides each household with its own, unique code that will allow them access to answer the questions.
(Note: survey closes October 30, 2020, so do not delay!)

Additionally residents will be able to virtually mark points on a map of the river valley. There is an interactive map available below for people to label areas of interest and importance to them: places that they think would benefit from improvement or protection.

On October 14, 2020 members from the Friends of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre Society participated in focus groups as part of this community engagement. This helped to ensure our vision as well as concerns and opportunities for the river valley were captured. We strongly encourage all residents of Lethbridge to complete the online engagement survey and mapping tool.

Thank you to everyone that takes time to speak up for our river valley!

For more information:

Cottonwood Park Floodplain Trail.jpg