Rattlesnake Safety in Lethbridge

Did you know the Lethbridge region is home to four types of snakes, including the well-known but often misunderstood rattlesnake!

Rattlesnakes spend much of their time on dry coulee slopes but will wander into cottonwood forests and wetlands in search of food. These snakes also enjoy sunning themselves on paved paths, so it is not uncommon to see them on pathways in west Lethbridge neighbourhoods. Rattlesnakes begin to emerge from hibernation in April.

With warmer spring weather finally here, it is a good time to refresh yourself on how to stay safe in rattlesnake territory! We have produced a Snake Safety video with the help of local snake enthusiast Ken Moore with expert tips and tricks to help avoid an unwanted encounter with rattlesnakes.

If you have questions about snakes, plan a visit to the Helen Schuler Nature Centre! The Nature Centre has lots of great resources to help you understand the ins and outs of snakes as well as what you should do if you encounter a rattlesnake.

If you encounter a rattlesnake:

  • Stop - identify where the snake is and if there are other snakes near by

  • Once you know the pathway is clear, back away slowly.

  • Remain calm.

  • Give the snake space.

Rattlesnakes are not aggressive and given a choice will retreat rather than strike. However, if surprised, stepped on or cornered, they can strike up to a distance about half of their length. People should never run when encountering a snake as there may be more than one in the immediate area.

​​​​​​​If you are struck by a rattlesnake, it should be treated as a serious medical emergency:

  • Stay as calm as possible, do not run.

  • Do not use any heroic measures (or John Wayne measures) by trying to suck or cut the venom out and don't kill the snake.

  • Wrap something around the bite but not so tight as to restrict the flow of blood.

  • Seek medical attention immediately!

The City of Lethbridge operates a rattlesnake mitigation program that is in place to reduce the number of people/pet and snake encounters in Lethbridge.

Request Rattlesnake Relocation in Lethbridge
(April to December)
To have a rattlesnake relocated from an urban or recreational area call 403-332-6806.

Report Rattlesnake Sighting
Contact the Helen Schuler Nature Centre at 403-320-3064.​