Inspired by Nature exhibit now on display

In partnership with the Rotary Club of Lethbridge East, we are proud to present this year’s Inspired by Nature: Youth Art Exhibition. This annual showcase of the next generation of artists is an opportunity for youth aged 18 and under to display their artwork in the Community Art Gallery at the Nature Centre. The exhibition will be on display from September 20 to October 30, 2022.

An artist call was circulated in the community this spring that invited artists to “find their muse” in nature, then create something that would inspire others to spend more time outside. Submissions could be mixed media, including: art, music, photography, videography, or writing.

This marks the sixth youth art exhibition and we are proud to report that 48 artists took part in 2022! This is exactly double the number of submissions received in 2021. We are also happy to see a variety of submissions - from origami to felting, from sculptures to paintings, from drawings to photographs! Since 2015, two hundred and twenty seven youth artists have participated. This has provided an excellent opportunity for these emerging artists to develop their craft and understand the process of participating in such exhibitions.

A Gallery Closing event will be hosted on October 30 to recognize the youth artists; details will be sent directly to participating artists.

Thank you to all participating artists and the Rotary Club of Lethbridge East!