ATB Cares now matches your donations 20%
ATB Cares has increased their match from 15% to 20% of every dollar donated online*!
*Some conditions apply
How ATB Cares works
Riley & Amanda took advantage of an employer matching program to make their donation in support of the Nature Centre!
ATB will match 20% of every dollar donated to Alberta-based, non-religious charities through ATB Cares, up to $30,000 per month and $360,000 per fiscal year.
Each eligible charity may receive up to $5,000 of matching per year. Individual donations qualify for a maximum donation match of $500.
Not sure if our matching dollars are in effect? Look for a banner that says "MATCHING OFFER" on the right hand side of the charity profile page.
Matching funds may only be available until a certain date or dollar limit is reached. With or without a match, please still donate. Every amount counts!
See image below: