Creative Conversation on the Civic Culture Plan

The Friends of Helen Schuler Nature Centre Society was proud to participate in the City of Lethbridge’s Civic Culture Plan by attending a creative conversation workshop on November 17.

This conversation brought together thought leaders and community culture participants to share stories and dialogue about what “culture” means to Lethbridge. Our representative from the Board of Directors, Kairvee Bhatt, was able to share about our experiences in Lethbridge and how arts, heritage, and culture are part of our community. They ensured the river valley was a central part of the conversation and that Lethbridge’s culture is intricately tied to our natural spaces.

We were fortunate to work with Annalee Adair and Associates, a team of cultural planning consultants who are assisting the City with the development of the Plan, will facilitate the conversation. Together, we provided input that will inform the development of a Civic Culture Plan that will be unique to Lethbridge. 

What is a Civic Culture Plan? 

While the City’s 2021 Recreation and Culture Master Plan and updated Municipal Development Plan provide high-level direction for arts, culture, and heritage, the City of Lethbridge lacks a detailed culture strategic plan. The Civic Culture Plan endeavors to help the City of Lethbridge and community “see culture” – to understand the “culture of Lethbridge” in its broadest sense and to identify how the City fits into this broader cultural environment. The Civic Culture Plan will provide a strategic, comprehensive, and aspirational vision for culture for the City of Lethbridge.