Travel Adventures is an ongoing series presented by the Friends of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre Society where local world travelers share their adventures with photographs that will help you discover the plants, animals, and people of places you’ve always dreamed of exploring!
The next Travel Adventure presentation will be:
Kootenay Plains with Derry Armstrong & Jessica Deacon-Rogers
Friday April 24 at 2pm
At Helen Schuler Nature Centre
Join experienced wilderness explorers to learn more about the amazing Kootenay Plains! Derry Armstrong is a parks and trail planner who has spent extensive time helping people to connect with this montane area. Shielded within the front ranges of the Rocky Mountains, this unique grassland and forest mosaic is home to many species of rare plants, provides important habitat for wildlife and has been a culturally significant area for thousands of years. This presentation will provide a unique perspective about the importance of connecting to place.
We look forward to rescheduling this event in the future when there are fewer associated risks with COVID-19.
For more information about the Friends of Helen Schuler Nature Centre Society, to make a donation, or to purchase your annual membership please visit