You are invited to participate in the second City Nature Challenge in Lethbridge!
The City Nature Challenge is a global citizen science bio-blitz held annually. In 2021 more than 419 cities around the world took part; more than 52,000 people participated; over 1,217,000 observations were made; 45,300+ species were documented, including 1,300+ species at risk
Help us document the incredible biodiversity and natural beauty of Lethbridge from April 29 thru May 2, 2022.
Participating is easy using iNaturalist! Download the app and register online
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You can submit your sightings year-round using iNaturalist. All observations uploaded from April 29 to May 2 to iNaturalist will automatically be added to the City Nature Challenge tally!
Download the app from the AppStore or Google Play
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Start sharing your observations
Get feedback from actual scientists, experts, and other naturalists
Explore what others are seeing outside!
Photo credits:
Beaver at Elizabeth Hall Wetland - Doug Petriw
Pasqflower - Jason Headley
Two-spotted Lady Beetle - Jason Headley
Painted Turtles on log - Ken Orich
Silver-haired Bat - Jason Headley
Cottonwood catkin - Helen Schuler Nature Centre
Prairie Crocus in full bloom - Helen Schuler Nature Centre
Coyote walking - Ken Orich
Cottontail rabbit - Al Daiken
The City Nature Challenge is a global citizen science bio-blitz held annually. Last year, over 66,394 people from cities around the world documented urban biodiversity on the first weekend of May. Together, they submitted 2.4 million observations for more than 65,682+ species, including more than 3,940+ rare/endangered/threatened species. In Lethbridge, we had 16 observers submit 844 observations of 278 species. Can you help us top this in 2025?