River Valley Exhibit at HSNC
Friends of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre Society helped to raise funds for the permanent display showcasing the core elements of our local ecosystem.

Co-op Community Outdoor Classroom
This major improvement will benefit the next generation of Nature Centre visitors - helping to provide an accessible gateway to the Nature Reserve Park!
Creating change at the Nature Centre

Get Outside 101 - Ideas for the Outdoors
We are proud to work with the Community Foundations of Canada to offer the Get Outside 101 - Ideas for the Outdoors & MORE Ideas for the Outdoors

Highway Clean-Up
In 2019 our team removed over 50 bags of trash from a 12km stretch of Highway #3 West of Lethbridge - this is an important conservation project and fundraiser for our society!

Snake Safety at UofL
We work with the University of Lethbridge Operations and Security department to discuss the importance of snake safety.

Coulee Clean-Up at Cottonwood Park
Every year our Society maintains an important stretch of natural areas that connect Popson Park and Cottonwood Park.
Fundraising for the Nature Centre
We are pleased to engage our community to raise the profile of the Nature Centre, resulting in significant donations to this public facility serving Southern Alberta!

Supporting nature interpretation in Lethbridge
We know that connecting people to place is an important step in developing a life-long relationship with the land - we help support the Nature Centre’s dynamic programs and services!

Supporting interactive experiences
We help to support interactive experiences at Helen Schuler Nature Centre - this helps visitors to connect with and develop a love of place!

Snake Safety at Rotary Club of Downtown
In spring 2018 we delivered an information session on the snakes of Lethbridge to the Downtown Rotary Club of Lethbridge. As a thank you they committed to providing 100 vaccinations against polio!

Living with Snakes presentation at Paradise Canyon
Every year we deliver a presentation at the Paradise Canyon Golf Resort Restaurant in an effort to connect with residents living in rattlesnake territory.

Promoting the importance of biodiversity
Whenever possible we speak on the topic of biodiversity and the importance of healthy ecosystems. Occasionally we are approached for comment by local news media.
Supporting Conservation Programs in Lethbridge
We are proud to support local conservation projects like Coulee Clean-Up, Shoreline Clean-Up, and Invasive Weed Pulls.
Cottonwood Park Coulee Clean-Up
Since 2013 we have stewarded a natural area that connects our community to Cottonwood Park Nature Reserve and Popson Park - this helps us to engage our community while protecting habitat for our wild neighbours.

Snake Safety at Writing on Stone Provincial Park
Since 2014 we have delivered 2-4 programs at Writing on Stone Provincial Park Interpretive Centre under various titles: Snake Safety, Snakes of Writing on Stone, Living with Snakes, and Snakes of Alberta
Inspiring adventures in nature
Our quarterly presentation of “Travel Adventures” helps prospective travelers hear from locals about inspiring destinations!

Southern Alberta Water Charter Member
In 2017 we signed the Oldman Watershed Council’s Water Charter - declaring our support of our watershed and make a daily difference in our community.
Snake Safety at UofL
Since 2015 we offer multiple safety talks for University Operations, Health & Wellness, and the public - this helps to raise awareness on the prairie rattlesnake while reducing potential for conflicts with humans.

Conserving Cottonwood Park
We are pleased to maintain a stretch of natural area connecting Popson Park and Cottonwood Park
Travel Adventures
Offered four times per year, our Travel Adventures series encourages exploration of our world and the pursuit of connection with nature - whether near or far!

Supporting river valley conservation
Every year the Helen Schuler Nature Centre organizes an Earth Day Coulee Cleanup as the launch for the annual conservation projects.
Documentary film screenings & discussions
We are proud to work with film makers to offer screenings and discussions in Lethbridge. We have worked with amazing film makers like Kent Woodruff of the United States Forest Service and Rick Andrews of Lethbridge!

Living with Snakes in Southern Alberta
We offer regular programs for our community on the topic of snakes and how to live safely alongside them!
Nature appreciation programs in Lethbridge
We help support the Nature Centre’s volunteer program - helping their team to connect with the best Lethbridge has to offer so we can inspire visitor’s adventures outside.
Governance and leadership in pursuit of our mandate
Our team is comprised of volunteers who want to make a difference in Southern Alberta! Through fundraising, grantwriting, special events, and programs - we help our community connect with nature and appreciate the wonders around us everyday!

Annual General Meetings
Every year we are pleased to report our progress to the membership at our AGM. Please join us at our next on in March