Our Commitment to Leadership, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Friends of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre Society recognizes the diversity of our community and will reflect that diversity within our organization, working to ensure programs, services, and employment opportunities are inclusive to all people.

We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional territory of the Siksikaitsitapi (Blackfoot Confederacy).

We believe equity, diversity and inclusion is about creating a culture that embraces the uniqueness of individuals and is representative of the Canadian population.

  • Equity means that people of all identities are treated fairly. Their individual rights, responsibilities and opportunities are not dependent upon identity.

  • Diversity consists of the conditions, expressions, and experiences of different individuals. It encompasses the unique qualities and characteristics that we all possess.

  • Inclusion is the cultivation of an environment in which all people are respected, where their differences are embraced, and where they all have access to the same opportunities.

We value equity, diversity, and inclusion because every person has a right to equal treatment, and we are strengthened by diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. Building an equitable, diverse, and inclusive organization is collaborative and requires those in positions of privilege to be allies to those who are marginalized.

Our goals are to foster a diverse and inclusive environment by continuous and active engagement of all members to remove barriers faced by equity-seeking groups. We will create, support and maintain an environment that is free from discriminatory and intimidating behaviour. We will continuously address issues related to equity-seeking groups that include, but are not limited to, those represented by race, sex, age, physical disabilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, neurodiversity, and socioeconomic status. In the spirit of reconciliation, we will also strive to develop and enhance existing Indigenous relationships.

We actively work to recognize, develop and promote initiatives towards equity, diversity, and inclusion in our programming, policies, outreach, and organized events. We will provide allyship and mentorship to ensure that all members and beneficiaries of our organization are treated in a fair and ethical manner and are supported in their path to success.

We acknowledge and thank the City of Lethbridge and the University of Guelph in the development of this commitment statement.